Tuesday 9 December 2014

College Poster

We were asked to produce a poster made from college. I had a go with cutting out of newspapers and magazines but i found that I was very limited in what i could create as to what was on had to use for the images.  So I thought it was time I learnt more about using Adobe Photoshop as I still only have a basic understanding of how the program works. So I set about producing a few ideas and for some reason my hatred of the Conservative party started taken over and spilling out on to the page, but i feel this happened as the newspapers are full of they propaganda as most of their rich friends own the papers but that's a rant for another day. So i took a step back reassessed and set out to produce a college style poster for a northern soul night. 

At the time i was thinking about ideas for this poster i was watching one of my favorite films KES and from that i thought using a northern accent in my poster would do for the northern part of northern soul. Then the soul part had to be the soul of a wellington boot as in the north we all wear wellies because we are all farmers. But i found they need some sort of face so people could relate to them so i just search and found nice teeth images and some googly eyes and of course the Flat cap whats more northern then the flat cap, and bam a northern soul.

When doing this again instead of using images found on search engines I will try and create my own images to be used like taking photos of boot souls or scanning them in, the same for all the bits of the poster, maybe even doing the speech an bubbles by hand and scanning them in or using a graphics tablet. The background i feel lets this poster down as i could have a countryside image there or some more interesting then just yellow.

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