Wednesday 23 December 2015

Responsive Illustration Friday Part 2

HAd to start a new blog post as me and Blogger have fallen out on the other post as this website is useless and annoying but thats a rant for another day.

Friday 18th December


1hour 30mins (ish)

So this weeks word is SOAR not sore or saw but soar like a bird. So thats what i have done but i have used a Saw as the body of the bird and just added wings. This is a little jab at the english language and its stupid rules to have different spellings for the same sounded word baffles me and is one of thousands of reasons i struggle like holy hell with reading and writing.

Friday 8th January 


This weeks word is Tropical so the first things that came to mind was Pineapple, Toucan, Sun, Beach, and Cocktail., So my original plan was to draw a toucan on a beach drinking a cocktail from a pineapple but then i realised that  would take ages to do. So i thought out of the list i like toucans the most. So a toucan was the answer to this weeks word a tropical bird. As i was drawing some toucan ideas i realised i could not get the feet to look right, first i tried to hide them behind a pineapple but i dint like that i dea so on my final idea i just stood the bird in a paddling pool as i feel that best represents a tropical british summer.
I also tried to do more of my final design using hand draw methods as i feel that when i play around with my designs in photoshop they loose something, so on this one iv drawn the outline in pen and coloured it using promarkers, then only tweaked the brightness and contrast to get the colors bolder and brighter.

Friday 22nd January

So this weeks word is orbit and with this one im giving myself 2 hours in which to complete the illustration. I knew from the moment i saw the word I would like to draw a tribute to Tim Peaks the british astronaut, who is currently up on the international space station at the moment and he completed the first ever british space walk. So i knew i was going to illustrate a spaceman with a union flag on his arm looking at the world as he orbits the planet.

Drew the outline with my fine liner before scanning in to photoshop to add colour. 

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